so, semester one of year 2 is over after the pmkt paper on thursday! tb04 had our usual celebration after papers and this time round we have bbq for a change (usually we have steamboat). good food and good company, what more to ask for?
i wonder if we'll be in the same class again next semester since we won't be able to meet up in school this time to select timetables together due to internship. nevertheless, i had a great semester with the clique (should be a group instead) and i really thank God they are my classmates and not anyone else.
next 2 days, i'm off to our neighbour country for my cousin's wedding! finally i get to attend a wedding! it's been so long since i attended one.
yes, after which, i won't get to enjoy my 6 weeks holiday because there's internship. i'm looking forward to it somehow, although there's many uncertainties and i don't really know what to expect in a real working environment. i just hope i have fun at my workplace and be able to cooperate well with my colleagues. in case you don't know, i'm going to be working in Th!nkAds which is obviously a marketing company.
i want the grace to endure through the internship (be it good or bad)!
p/s i don't know when i'll post again because i'll be expecting myself to tire out after each day of work. therefore, this blog will be on a hiatus. but, i'll keep it as updated as possible! :D
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