Sunday, September 19, 2010

studying is way better

break the hiatus a little before i hit the sacks!

1) first week of attachment is over finally, but, week 2 is coming soon! i can't knock off on time everyday and i have to knock off late everyday. and late means really late! :( internship is morphing me into a person with no life at all! but, it's through the week that i experience God so much and that His really provides the empowering grace to go through the week!

2) service was fabulous! i've been looking forward to saturday throughout the whole of last week. it's like my 'happy hour' after a week of hectic work. however, it's ending as fast as it started! :(

3) a group is going for missions tomorrow! how i wish i could be part of the team to go to cambodia! next march, next march, i'm anticipating! :D

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