Saturday, February 19, 2011

greatest gift ever!

lay it all down, lay it all down
lay it all down, at Your feet

certain things doesn't go well and all things seem to be coming your way, crashing down. everything was going well a moment go. you ask God why is everything happening. but He remains silent. you cry out to Him. He remains silent. with the silence, you decide to do things your own way but, nothing seems to be better, instead worsen. then, with no choice, you come back to God and cry out to Him again. this time, He answers and everything is alright again.

aren't we like this sometimes facing with sticky situations? we call out to God, but He doesn't seem to care and bothered to reply then we decide to take things at our own strength.

silence doesn't mean God isn't working. silence doesn't mean God isn't bothered. my God is bothered with me, every single aspect of me. He listens to each of my cries. He hears me out. we just need to be a little patient and keep spotting the little things which He does that eventually leads to the prayer and cries.

my God isn't genie in a bottle or a fairy godmother.
He is real. He loves me for who i am and is very serious about the relationship with me. He pours out blessings abundantly and floods me with His everlasting love. His love never fails, no matter what i did in the past.

He rejoices with the angels in the heaven when i first asked Him into my life.

the greatest gift i ever received. the greatest love i ever gotten and will ever get.

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