Friday, June 03, 2011

everlasting love

really excited for what's happening in lishan's family. her sister rededicated her life after 11 years and her mum is so close to receive the greatest love that anyone could know.

11 years! that's like over a decade, yet, she's so persistent. i'd never imagine myself praying and persisting for 11 years for the salvation of my family. after seeing and hearing what has happened, i'm really encouraged and really trust that God will always be faithful. be it 1 month, 1 year or 11 years, God will cause situations to change, miracles to happen.

and i believe the persistence had caught God's attention. which is what a Christian should do, one or two prayers will never be enough, we need to cry out so much that it catches the attention of God.

God, a god of impossibles. 

what compares to the marvellous love you gave?

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